3 Summer Tips to Keep Your Lawn & Garden Healthy

Matt Sorenson

Irrigation system working properly
Get the most out of your irrigation system this summer!
It’s the middle of summer and in Texas that means scorching temperatures and thirsty landscapes. While watering restrictions are still in effect in and around Austin, it’s still possible to maintain healthy lawns and gardens. The trick is to stay on top of your irrigation system and pay attention to the signals your plants are sending you.

Here are some tips to help you make the most of both your equipment and your available allotment of water.

1. Inspect all parts of your irrigation system.

Leaks and breaks will not only create unsightly wet spots and mud puddles, they’ll also end up wasting both water and money.  As well, any clogs present in your system will restrict water flow and result in stressed and dying plants.

2. Observe your trees, plants and bushes.

Be on the lookout for leaves that are turning a lighter shade of green or yellow or are dull, wilted, or drooping. This may indicate that the plant in question requires extra watering which you may need to do by hand before 10AM or after 7PM.

Also be aware of heat wilt, a condition in which otherwise healthy plants will begin to wilt because they are tired of reflecting the intense heat they’re receiving from the sun.   To relieve this condition, you can build shade structures around them or add compost to the soil to enhance the nutrients that the plants are receiving.

3. Program your controller appropriately.

Knowing how much water your plants require and how much water your system puts out is integral to programming your irrigation controller. While you’ll only be able to water once a week using a regular irrigation system, remember that you can always hand-water as necessary.

At South Austin Irrigation, we can help you make the most of your irrigation equipment. Whether you need inspection, repairs or advice, our experts will ensure you get the very best service we can offer.  Let us show you how your lawns and gardens can survive–and thrive–in the hot summer sun of Texas!

Call South Austin Irrigation at (512) 534-7449 to find out more.