With daytime temperatures averaging in the 60s and nighttime ones averaging in the lower 40s, Austin winters are some of the mildest in the country. This great news if you want to garden or work on some other landscaping project.
At this time of the year, many trees, shrubs, and plants have either shed their leaves or died for the season. But there are many others that thrive during an Austin winter and that can add color to an otherwise dreary-looking outdoor environment.
This is a perennial evergreen plant with blooms that come in a variety of vibrant colors, including pink, white, purple, lavender and green.
Like the hellebore, the juniper tree is an evergreen. It blooms in February and produces cone-like berries and makes a wonderful addition to any landscape.
Winter Daphne
Native to Japan and China, this shrub produces fragrant pink flowers. The leaves are edged with a yellow stripe that creates a striking contrast to the shrub’s deep green foliage.
This flower does very well in during Texas winters and can be planted anytime between October and March. Like the hellebore, they come in many different colors, such as yellow, white, pink, violet and red.
Winter is also a time to prepare for the new growing season ahead. Here are some tips to help you make the most of the time before spring arrives:
- add compost and/or fertilizer and till the soil deeply
- check winter mulch and replenish if necessary
- water everything well before a freeze but do not overwater
- check for mealy bugs: they are most active in the winter
- clean, repair and replace garden tools
The experts at South Austin Irrigation can help you with all your landscaping needs. Regardless of whether you need advice, equipment or repair services, we’re here to help you get the most out of your landscape and save you money. Contact us today!