Unclogging Pop-Up Sprinkler Heads

Matt Sorenson

lawn sprinklerAutomatic sprinkler systems are convenient.  But the pop-up heads that are part of those systems can also become clogged with dirt and debris.  This in turn can negatively impact water distribution for your lawn or garden.

Fortunately, it’s usually very simple to fix clogged sprinkler heads.  Following is a step-by-step guide to help you get your system up and running again with a minimum of fuss.

Step #1

Lift the sprinkler head out of the ground.  Since it’s on a spring, you should be able to pull it up easily.

Step #2

Wipe the sprinkler head with a damp cloth to remove dirt and debris.  Very often, this will be enough to unclog a sprinkler head.

Step #3

Insert a thin wire or tip of a knife blade into the sprinkler head and gently dislodge any debris that may be stuck inside the spigot of the sprinkler head.  Wear protective gloves, especially if you are using a knife.

Step #4

If the head still remains clogged, twist the sprinkler head off and drop it into a solution of warm, soapy water.  You can also mix warm water with white vinegar in a half-and-half solution to help break up stubborn dirt from the sprinkler head.

Step #5

Rinse off the filter screen if the sprinkler head has one.  Screw the head back in and test the system to see if the sprinkler is working again.

If your pop-up sprinkler heads are still malfunctioning even after you clean them out, call South Austin Irrigation.  We can help you select the best new heads for your system and tell you whether the system itself may be in need of repair and/or an upgrade.  For the sprinkler service and repair more Austinites trust, contact us today!