Landscape Irrigation with Large Sprinklers

Matt Sorenson

sprinkler repair south austin
We excel at repairing tough sprinkler system problems. Call us today.

If you are a landscaper who believes that you can cover a large lawn with fewer sprinklers by using  sprinkler heads that shoot larger radii than typical heads, you’re not alone.  The logic seems to work in theory, but in practice, it falls apart.

The reason why this approach to lawn irrigation doesn’t work is because when sprinkler heads are spaced more than 55 feet apart, water is subject to greater evaporation and potential for wind drift. Moreover, to get water to fly at those long distances, you need big, heavy water drops with a lot of built-in momentum. And the truth is those drops can quickly beat up a lawn and cause soil compaction or erosion.

Golf courses and parks have battled this problem for years. Most city parks have now settled for 55 foot spacing rather than having to deal with citizen complaints about dead or yellowing grass.  The only time when bigger radius heads work on landscapes is when the landscape itself is comprised of pasture grasses which have long blades to soften droplet impact.

Furthermore, it takes a lot of water pressure and volume to get the water out. For example, a 70 foot radius means you’ll need 70 PSI (pounds per sq inch) and 30 GPM (gallons per minute) at each sprinkler head. This means a PSI of 85 or more coming out of the pump. Most systems with big sprinklers run at over 100 PSI, which means more wear and tear on system and ultimately a shorter lifespan for the equipment itself.

Bigger sprinkler heads also pose something of a safety hazard. A stream of water coming from a nozzle at 70 PSI can literally knock you off your feet and can even cause injury.  In fact, liability is a the reason that parks and golf courses are shunning big sprinklers (also known as water guns) for smaller ones.

At South Austin Irrigation Repair, we understand that saving money is important to you. At same time, we also know that sometimes, what would appear to help landscapers can cause more trouble than it’s worth. When you have questions about how to make the most of your water dollars and equipment, let us be your guide.  We’re confident that you’ll agree we are the best irrigation repair service in Austin!

Call South Austin Irrigation at (512) 534-7449 to find out more.