Autumn is almost in sight and for Texans that means cooling trends in the 80s. These lower temperatures and potential for fall rains creates the perfect conditions for you to add plants with colorful leaves and flowering plants back into your landscape to celebrate the return of milder weather.

Traditionally, early September is one of the best times of the year to add new greenery in Texas. You should expect that whatever you plan now will last until first freeze of the season. For residents of central Texas, that first freeze usually happens around the end of November/beginning of December.
Before you begin your project, consider adding a bit of fall color to established flowerbeds or to pots located near a front door or, if you have one, a patio area.
Here are some suggestions for plants that are guaranteed to provide cheerful seasonal accents to your landscaping scheme:
- Celosia plumosa (cockscomb) – produces feathery flowers and comes in yellow, pink, red and maroon.
- sweet potato vines – fast-growing and light yellow-green in color.
- moss roses – sun-loving, low growing flowering plants that produce yellow, orange or pink blossoms.
- dusty miller – has gray-green to almost white deeply indented felt-like leaves; makes for a striking addition to any landscape.
- chrysanthemums – adapts well to potted environments and produces big, colorful blooms.
You can prolong the growing season of these plants (and especially the ones that produce flowers) by protecting them from early frost and freezes with a sheet or row cover cloth.
At South Austin Irrigation, we are committed to helping our clients achieve the most beautiful results with their landscaping. Regardless of the time of year, we’re here to help you with all your irrigation repair needs. For the best in irrigation system inspection, service and repair, contact us today!