Rain Sensors are a Great Idea for Your System

Matt Sorenson

Toro Wired Rain Sensor
Toro Wired Rain Sensor
Although Austin is still in Stage 2 water restriction mode, the installation of a rain sensor for your irrigation system is a very good idea.

Rain sensors are devices which shut off your system after a measurable amount of rain has collected in the sensor. Some sensors can be adjusted to shut the system off when the amount of rainwater in the gauge registers between 1/8” through 1”. Austin Water however requires new systems to be set at 1/2”. You will note on the Austin Water website on Stage 1 and 2 water restrictions that it specifically states: “Please ensure that your system has a working rain sensor, or operate the system manually when rain is forecasted.”

Another point is that the TCEQ (Texas Commission on Environmental Quality) does require all controller replacements to also install a rain sensor if one is not already present.

There are also rain/freeze sensors that’ll shut the system off if the temperature has dropped below 32 degrees F.

Rain sensors are great for saving water and money.

If you want to get a rain sensor installed in your system, just give us a call at South Austin Irrigation. We would be glad to come down and help you out.

Call South Austin Irrigation at (512) 534-7449 to find out how we can help you with your irrigation system.