Are you thinking of digging up your yard to install an underground sprinkler system? Advanced planning is key to helping you avoid making unsightly mistakes. This is especially true if you opt for manual installation.
Step 1: Flag and tag
Once you’ve determined where you plan to dig your trenches, cut some string to the exact lengths of the irrigation lines you plan on installing. Lay them down in the yard where you plan to dig.
Next, tag each future sprinkler site with a flag. This aids in trenching because it reinforces the digging path in case the string moves.
Step 2: Remove grass
Insert a hand shovel into the ground and underneath the grass or sod where you plan to trench. Separate the grass from the dirt below, then peel it up in large sheets and set it on one side of the trenching area.
Repeat this step until all sod from the trenching areas is removed.
Step 3: Dig
Using a spade, dig up the dirt or soil and lay it on the side opposite to the one where you put the uprooted grass. Dig the trench to a depth of between 8 to 18 inches. Because Austin typically experiences mild freezes, you can dig your trenches on the shallow side.
For each area where you plan to lay down a sprinkler line, repeat steps 1 through 3.
At South Austin Irrigation, we know your landscape irrigation projects are important to you. Whether you need system repairs, upgrades or replacements, our experts are here to help you every step of the way. Contact us today!